Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How to fail in your portfolio

There are many students having problems in how they do the portfolios in a proper way. The steps and instructions were giving clearly at the beginning of the semester so they should not create an excuse. There are many reasons that make the students fail their portfolio.

Firstly, there is no evidence of the identity of the student or the contents of the binder on the spine or front cover of the binder. Secondly, no thought has been given to the appearance of the binder and it looks completely untidy. In addition, the font size and color are not professional. Moreover, there is no contents page to help the user and it’s not ordered in any particular way so that makes it hard and complicated for the user to read. Another important reason that makes the students to fail in the portfolio is that the contents show no evidence of care and the material is not edited correctly. Finally, and that’s what worse of all the students always should ask to clarify the steps and delay the deadline of handling the portfolio.

In conclusion, the portfolio is very easy but the reasons which I have mentioned above make the student get failed in this course.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yousf,

    How are you?. I hope you are very well. Regarding your artical about how to fail was very nice. The length is good and the linking words. The grammar also. It was very nice

